The 2025 GIVE-A-THON is happening now! Past Phonathon donors can expect to receive their GIVE-A-THON pledge letters soon. Last year, your generous support of the GIVE-A-THON fundraiser resulted in over $16,000 in scholarships awarded to the CIHS Class of 2024. This year, we hope to surpass that figure, but we need your help! Participate today by visiting our secure GiveLively campaign page.

October 2024

Proud New Member Alert!


January 2024

 Since its inception in 1990, Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars has awarded $4,020,355 in scholarships to graduating seniors at Cambridge-Isanti High School. I

n 1990, scholarships worth $5,000 were given - last spring, 205 scholarships were given for a total of $216,400. Sixty of those scholarships were endowed which means they are perpetual. Fifty scholarships came from dedicated annual givers, be they individuals, memorial scholarships, community organizations, businesses, fraternal and booster groups or CIHS alumni classes. The other ninety-five scholarships were funded by the several hundred people who donate to the annual GIVE-A-THON (formerly the Phonathon), and redistribution of unused scholarships and investment earnings. According to Board President Ray Hoheisel, "the continued generosity of so many connected with the Cambridge-Isanti community is well documented as recipients of those scholarships are honored and encouraged to continue with their education beyond high school as they transition to the world of work. Thanks to all who are a part of this important effort."

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board Update!

Jan. 2024

We've been fortunate with a pretty incredible group of folks on our leadership team over the years, and our latest board appointment is no exception. Among her many attributes, she brings with her a dynamic breadth and depth of knowledge having served two terms as the President of Lac qui Parle's Dollars for Scholars Chapter in Southwestern Minnesota. At the same time, she's a friendly and familiar face to many in the C-I communities. We are thrilled to announce the addition of Ms. Lori Lind to our Board. 

"I was born and raised in the Cambridge/Isanti area and graduated from Cambridge in 1977," says Lori. "I attended Bethel University in St. Paul and graduated in 1982. Following graduation I worked for the St. Paul YMCA corporate outreach program and did window display work as a side hustle. In 1985 I married a 1975 Cambridge graduate, Mike Lind, and we moved to southwestern Minnesota to help revive a family-owned manufacturing business. While in Appleton MN we raised two children and watched them and the business flourish. I wore a lot of hats over the years. I worked in the family business, was a dance line coach, choreographer for school productions, substitute teacher, volunteer, Ducks Unlimited member and was on the Dollars for Scholars board for many years and served two terms as president. I loved being part of such a great team. We sold our factory in 2020 and felt the pull to "come home" and semi-retire in Cambridge. It was a great decision. I am honored to be able to serve on the Dollars for Scholars board in our hometown." Please join us in welcoming Lori Lind to the C-I Dollars for Scholars Board of Trustees. 


Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board Update!

Jan. 2024

We're ringing in 2024 with an exciting announcement! You may recognize our newest Board Member - in fact, many of you have attended one (or more) of the schools he's called his "home-away-from-home" over the years. We are thrilled to share with you the appointment of Dr. Craig Paulson to the C-I DFS leadership team.

Dr. Craig Paulson was a principal of Cambridge-Isanti High School and Cambridge Middle School during the years of 1975 through 2006. Previously he worked on Wall Street, served as a US Navy officer, taught, and coached at Coon Rapids High School and Blaine High School. From 2006 through 2022, Craig was the full-time tenure track full professor at Bethel University as the program director for the Doctor of Education and K12 Administrator Licenses Program. Craig looks forward to assisting Cambridge Isanti High School graduates in realizing their dreams through post-secondary education. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Craig Paulson to the Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board of Trustees!

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board Update!

Oct 2023

Left to right: Board Member Thia Kampa, Board Honoree Cindy Szafranski, and Board President Ray Hoheisel present a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Szafranski for her years of service on the Cambridge-Isanti Dollar for Scholars Board of Trustees.


As we gear up for a fantastic 2023-24 scholarship year, and with a heavy and grateful heart, we announce the resignation of long-time CIDFS Board member and overall superstar, Cindy Szafranski. 
A powerhouse behind many of our initiatives, Ms. Szafranski joined the Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board of Directors in 2005 to give back to the organization that awarded her two scholarships in 1994. For 18 years, she served on the CIDFS Board and held various roles. "It has been an honor to serve on the DFS Board. I am particularly proud of our work to consistently raise funds and award scholarships to students pursuing higher education. Generous donors make scholarship opportunities possible; our community and businesses have consistently supported our mission over the years," said Cindy. "I look forward to being a lifelong friend and supporter of Dollars for Scholars for years to come!"
Our organization has had many incredible directors over the years. We are especially grateful for Ms. Szafranski's unwavering dedication and outstanding leadership. Thank you, Cindy, for your exemplary work spanning nearly two decades on behalf of Cambridge-Isanti graduates and their families!

2023 GIVE-A-THON a Success!


It truly take a village, and our community came together in a big way this April to help raise over $16,000 for the 2023 GIVE-A-THON. THANK YOU for generously supporting Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars in our mission to provide post-secondary scholarships to every graduate of CIHS! 

We'd also like to express our gratitude to the hundreds of Cambridge-Isanti Schools staff and students, businesses, organizations, volunteers, and families who have helped thousands of C-I grads achieve their dreams through the support of our program since 1990. Our village is strong and we appreciate you greatly. 

100% of funds raised are awarded directly to students in our community. Last-minute donations to the 2023 GIVE-A-THON are welcomed and appreciated. Click the graphic above to securely submit your GIVE-A-THON donation.

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board Update!

March 2023

Left to right: President Ray Hoheisel, members Kevin Gross and Steve Gibbs.
We are thrilled to announce one of our newest board members! You may know or recognize Mr. Kevin Gross. He has taken on several roles in our community: police officer, school resource officer, newly elected C-I Schools board member - the guy is BUSY! Well, Kevin recently added C-I Dollars for Scholars board member to his resumé, and we couldn't be more excited! 
A little background info on Board Member Gross: he and his wife, Emma, have lived in the district for 19 years. They have three children attending school in this district. Mr. Gross has served the community as a Cambridge police officer for nine years and admits his favorite assignment is as a school resource officer. "I am passionate about the safety of our schools. I am also passionate about supporting and improving our school and community." As a School Board member, Mr. Gross is committed to building strong relationships. "Just as I work to support and build strong and trusted relationships with the students I serve, I will work to do the same for our community." Mr. Gross was born and raised in Mora. He earned his two-year degree from Anoka Ramsey, a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from St. Cloud State, and a law enforcement degree from Alex Tech. He ran track in high school, in addition to hunting and fishing. Mr. Gross and his family are active in 4-H and raise pigs, goats, and chickens. They love being outdoors, which makes Cambridge-Isanti the perfect place to raise his family. 
Kevin replaces our former valued board member, Ms. Nikki Johnson, and has already proven to be a great asset to our organization. Please join us in officially welcoming Kevin to C-I Dollars for Scholars!

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board Update!

February 2023

The Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board of Trustees, represented by newly appointed Board member Mr. Kevin Gross and Superintendent Rudolph (not pictured), was pleased to present a Certificate of Appreciation to our former Board member Ms. Nikki Johnson for four impactful years of service to our organization. One C-I School Board member at a time is selected to serve on our Board of Trustees in addition to the current superintendent. While Ms. Johnson's leadership will be missed, we are equally as excited to have Mr. Gross as our new School Board representative (official announcement to follow). We are so very grateful for the passionate and dedicated leaders - both past and present - who have worked to ensure the success of Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars for 33 years and counting! We believe in the shared value of education, and that education has the power to change the lives of the students and families in the C-I community. Thank you for your exemplary service to our nonprofit, Ms. Johnson!
A special thanks to Dr. Brenda Damiani and Ms. Melanie Allen for capturing the moment at the February School Board meeting. 

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Board Update!

December 2022

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars President Ray Hoheisel presents Ms. Jodi Janzen with a Certificate of Appreciation after 12 years of service to the Board of Trustees.
We are extremely fortunate to have strong and dedicated leaders - both past and present - who have volunteered their time and talents to serve on our board. A most sincere THANK YOU to Ms. Janzen for her steadfast service to our organization and community! 

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Receives
Endowed Scholarship Fund from Lil'l Farm

August 2022


Lil'l Farm Children's Home's, Sister Margaret, presents a check to Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars President, Ray Hoheisel, to endow a $2,500 annual scholarship. With her was Sister Francette and board president, Joe Foerster. The non-profit Lil'l Farm where the two sisters served as foster parents for Isanti County children was dissolved and sold when the sisters retired. The Lil'l Farm Scholarship will serve as an annual reminder of the love the sisters bestowed on the children they cared for at Lil'l Farm for 20 plus years.

Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars Receives
Endowed Scholarship Fund from Rebecca and George Lieser



Family Endows Fund in Cindy Edstrom's Name
June 27, 2012


The family of Cindy Edstrom, a longtime Cambridge resident and Cambridge High School graduate, has created the Cindy Edstrom Memorial Scholarship by gifting $20,000 to the Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars. The Cindy Edstrom Memorial Scholarship will provide an annual $1,000 scholarship in her honor and memory. Pictured, back row, left to right, are Justin Edstrom and Garret Edstrom. Front row; Danielle Edstrom, Vonnie Oman, Ryan Edstrom, Mike Edstrom, John Munkberg and Ray Hoheisel. The Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars is a locally operated and supported nonprofit, tax-exempt scholarship organization. Directed by an all volunteer Board of Trustees, the purpose of Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars is to expand access to higher educational achievement and/or training.

Opening Doors to Postsecondary Education One Scholarship at a Time

Personal Rewards and Benefits
Rising costs are closing doors to higher education for many students in our community. Through Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars we have the opportunity to make a strong, collective statement about the importance of education beyond high school.

There are many ways you can help Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars. Your final choice of a gift plan depends upon your own personal priorities, financial circumstances, and charitable goals. You can designate your gift to benefit one or more areas of your choosing, or make an unrestricted gift.

You will have the satisfaction that comes with knowing you've made a difference in the lives of others. But we also want to make sure that you benefit from making a gift to us. In fact, the best gift plans also improve your financial and tax situation.

As we confront the challenges of the future of our young people, we know that the generosity of those who assist us will make all the difference in our success!

Possible Tax Benefits
Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars is tax-exempt operating under a 501(C)(3) IRS tax determination. All scholarship contributions to Cambridge-Isanti Dollars for Scholars are tax deductible.

Community Benefits
One coordinated effort for local scholarships creates excitement about helping students continue their education. More people are encouraged to give more scholarships, and the community becomes more focused on the benefits of education. Our Phonathon continues to be successful thanks to so many local community members willingness to invest in a gift that lasts a lifetime.

Students Benefit
Students apply for scholarships using one scholarship application and one deadline.
Scholarships awarded via Dollars for Scholars have the potential advantage of the Dollars for Scholars Matching Program.